Research & Papers:

  1. Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption (Aaron R. Brough et al.)
  2. Cool dudes in Norway: climate change denial among conservative Norwegian men (Olve Krange et al.)
  3. Men and Nature: Hegemonic Masculinities and Environmental Change (Sherilyn MacGregor and Nicole Seymour)
  4. Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire (Cara Daggett)
  5. Socialist and Cultural Ecofeminism: Allies in Resistance (Socialist and Cultural Ecofeminism: Allies in Resistance)
  6. Ecofeminist Ways, Ecosocialist Means: Life in the Post-capitalist Future (Leigh Brownhill & Terisa E. Turner)
  7. Ecofeminism Against Capitalism and for the Commons (Terran Giacomini et al.)
  8. Re-gendering Climate Change: Men and Masculinity in Climate Research, Policy, and Practice (Joane Nagel & Trevor Scott Lies)
  9. The ecofeminist ground of ecosocialism (Joel Kovel)
  10. A green fatwā? Climate change as a threat to the masculinity of industrial modernity (Jonas Anshelm & Martin Hultman)
  11. Industrial/breadwinner masculinities (Paul Pulé & Martin Hultman)
  12. The Gender Gap in Environmental Attitudes: A System Justification Perspective (Chapter 12) (Rachel E. Goldsmith et al.)

Newspapers & Media:

  1. ‘Rolling Coal’ in Diesel Trucks, to Rebel and Provoke (The New York Times)
  2. The Misogyny of Climate Deniers (The New Republic)
  3. Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: How Gender Violence on the Left Enables State Violence in Radical Movements (INCITE!)
  4. Petro-masculinity and the politics of climate refusal (Autonomy)
  5. The Fossil Fuel Debate’s Most Bizarre Byproduct: “Petro-Masculinity” (Mother Jones)
  6. The Meat Culture War Looks Goofy. It's Deadly Serious. (The New Republic)