Research & Papers:

  1. The implications of population growth and urbanization for climate change (David Satterwaite)
  2. An Imagined Reality: Malthusianism, Neo-Malthusianism and Population Myth (Mohan Rao)
  3. Overpopulation Discourse: Patriarchy, Racism, and the Specter of Ecofascism (Jordan Dyett and Cassidy Thomas)
  4. Neo-Malthusianism and Coercive Population Control in China and India: Overpopulation Concerns Often Result in Coercion (Chelsea Follett)
  5. World population growth is expected to nearly stop by 2100 (Pew Research Center)
  6. Emissions drivers (Our World in Data)
  7. World Population Prospects - Population Division (United Nations)
  8. Population Data Portal (United Nations)
  9. The Extreme Right, Climate Change and Terrorism (Graham Macklin)
  10. Ecobordering’: casting immigration control as environmental protection (Joe Turner & Dan Bailey)
  11. The “Great Replacement” conspiracy: How the perceived ousting of Whites can evoke violent extremism and Islamophobia (Milan Obaidi et al.)

Newspapers & Media:

  1. 'Population Explosion': The Myth that Refuses to Go (The Wire)
  2. The science myths that will not die (Nature)
  3. The Ugly History of Environmental Fears and Population Controls (The Walrus)
  4. It’s wrong to blame ‘overpopulation’ for climate change (The Washington Post)
  5. The Growing Overlap Between The Far-Right And Environmentalism (NPR)
  6. Eugenics is trending. That’s a problem. (The Washington Post)
  7. Indigenous Women in Canada Are Still Being Sterilized Without Their Consent (Vice)