Research & Papers:

  1. Urbanizing degrowth: Five steps towards a Radical Spatial Degrowth Agenda for planning in the face of climate emergency (Maria Kaika et al.)
  2. The challenges of degrowth in cities (Daniel Florentin)
  3. Degrowth ‘from below’? The role of urban social movements in a post-capitalist transition (Samuel Alexander & Brendan Gleeson)
  4. Slum Dwellers International Strategic Plan (Slum Dwellers International)
  5. Residents' collective strategies of resistance in Global South cities' informal settlements: Space, scale and knowledge (María José Zapata Campos et al.)
  6. Slum upgrading and climate change adaptation and mitigation: Lessons from Latin America ****(José Rafael Núñez Collado & Han-Hsiang Wang)
  7. Urban Climate Justice, Human Health, and Citizen Science in Nairobi's Informal Settlements (Jason Corburn et al.)
  8. The ‘state’ of degrowth: Economic growth and the making of state hegemony in Turkey (Bengi Akbulut)
  9. Geographies of degrowth: Nowtopias, resurgences and the decolonization of imaginaries and places (Demaria et al.)
  10. Not So Natural an Alliance? Degrowth and Environmental Justice Movements in the Global South (Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos et al.)
  11. Spatialising degrowth in Southern cities: Everyday park-making for (un)commoning (Manisha Anantharaman et al.)
  12. Spatialising degrowth, degrowing urban planning (Jin Xue & Wojciech Kębłowski)
  13. In quest of implementing degrowth in local urban planning policies (Carlos Ruiz-Alejos & Vincent Prats)
  14. Grabbed Urban Landscapes: Socio-spatial Tensions in Green Infrastructure Planning in Medellín (Isabelle Anguelovski et al.)
  15. Urban eco-modernisation and the policy context of new eco-city projects: Where Masdar City fails and why (Federico Cugurullo)
  16. Infrastructure as techno-politics of differentiation: Socio-political effects of mega-infrastructures in Kenya (Gediminas Lesutis)
  17. An empirical test of measures of housing degrowth: Learning from the limited experience of England and Wales, 1981–2011 (Rebecca Tunstall)
  18. Maintaining autonomy: Urban degrowth and the commoning of housing (Federico Savini)

Newspapers & Media: