Research & Papers

  1. Can We Consume Our Way Out of Climate Change? A Call for Analysis (Lyle K Grant)
  2. The Rebound Effect: an assessment of the evidence for economy-wide energy savings from improved energy efficiency (UK Energy Research Centre)
  3. Sustainability: From Excess to Aesthetics | Behavior and Social Issues (Lyle K. Grant)
  4. Overconsumption as Ideology - Implications for Addressing Global Climate Change (Diana Stuart et al.)
  5. Workers-as-consumers: Rethinking the political economy of use-value and the reproduction of capital (Niamh Mulcahy)
  7. Anti-consumption, Materialism, and Consumer Well-being (Lee & Ahn)

Newspapers & Media:

  1. Ecosocialism and consumerism (Climate & Capitalism)
  2. Can consumer choices ward off the worst effects of climate change? An expert explains. (Vox)
  3. What Causes Capitalist Crises: Under-Consumption or Overproduction? | Economic theory (In Defense of Marxism)
  4. Individuals can’t solve the climate crisis. Governments need to step up (The Guardian)
  5. Marxism and Consumer Culture (New Labor Forum)
  6. Why there is no “ethical consumption” under capitalism (Communist Revolution)

Videos & Podcasts:

  1. Why There's No Such Thing As An Ethical Business Under Capitalism (Second Thought)
  2. How consumerism presents itself as activism. Does watching leftist YT contribute to anything? (Yugopnik)
  3. Planning Failure: How Companies Keep You Buying (Hakim)
  4. What is Commodity Fetishism? | Socialism 101 (Marxism Today)