Research & Papers
- Can We Consume Our Way Out of Climate Change? A Call for Analysis (Lyle K Grant)
- The Rebound Effect: an assessment of the evidence for economy-wide energy savings from improved energy efficiency (UK Energy Research Centre)
- Sustainability: From Excess to Aesthetics | Behavior and Social Issues (Lyle K. Grant)
- Overconsumption as Ideology - Implications for Addressing Global Climate Change (Diana Stuart et al.)
- Workers-as-consumers: Rethinking the political economy of use-value and the reproduction of capital (Niamh Mulcahy)
- Anti-consumption, Materialism, and Consumer Well-being (Lee & Ahn)
Newspapers & Media:
- Ecosocialism and consumerism (Climate & Capitalism)
- Can consumer choices ward off the worst effects of climate change? An expert explains. (Vox)
- What Causes Capitalist Crises: Under-Consumption or Overproduction? | Economic theory (In Defense of Marxism)
- Individuals can’t solve the climate crisis. Governments need to step up (The Guardian)
- Marxism and Consumer Culture (New Labor Forum)
- Why there is no “ethical consumption” under capitalism (Communist Revolution)
Videos & Podcasts:
- Why There's No Such Thing As An Ethical Business Under Capitalism (Second Thought)
- How consumerism presents itself as activism. Does watching leftist YT contribute to anything? (Yugopnik)
- Planning Failure: How Companies Keep You Buying (Hakim)
- What is Commodity Fetishism? | Socialism 101 (Marxism Today)